Upcoming Events

Computer farming, movement building and zoom marathons.

This time of year means lots of “computer farming” — financial planning, crop planning, supply orders, etc. Most people don’t think of spreadsheets when thinking about what farmers do, but it’s actually a huge part of what allows everything else to happen. Our 325 line crop plan, and 1.5 million large seed order, is no joke!

New VIDEO! + Community Engagement in 2021

Our Food Access initiatives succeed because of the strength of our community partnerships, and the time we invest in them.

These relationships, both locally upstate and throughout New York City, center on outreach, distribution and connection with the communities we feed.

This is in stark contrast to the majority of existing food aid in our country which separates, hides and dehumanizes those who can not afford healthy food. Typically people have no choices beyond highly processed, shelf stable foods with very little nutritional value.

Join us! Online gathering on April 14th.

Usually, this is the time of year we come out of hibernation and start attending events and posting our flyers both locally and in NYC to promote our CSA and Food Access Fund.

As we adapt to a new way of life we are gearing up for a different kind of season kick-off. We wanted to create an online space to share and connect safely. We hope you’ll check it out, join us, and please spread the word!