Get weekly local produce — and so much more.
CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture”, which is a model that connects local farmers directly to consumers. As a member at Rock Steady Farm, you’ll enjoy:
Access to the freshest, highest quality and most delicious produce around! Local, sustainably grown vegetables are nutrient dense and loaded with flavor. You’ll probably eat more of them, too.
The shortest possible supply chain - your veggies get harvested and delivered directly to your pick up site within a day or two. This reduces your “food miles” AND ensures your food dollars go directly to our farm & farmers (instead of a typical 20-30% to intermediaries).
Connection with the land and farmers growing your food. That means you can get to know our farming practices, our values, and how we operate as a team. Plus, you have an open invite to visit!
Sliding scale pricing & low-income options. Participate in a model that ensures more people can access local, organically grown produce. You can choose your price point based on your access to financial resources.
Supporting our social justice work — our farm is a radical, anti-racist, environmentally responsible, queer-owned and operated cooperative farm. Together, we’ll continue to work towards a more just and equitable food system.
Are you in for all that? We’re excited to be your farmers!
Our CSA runs for 22 weeks, June through early November. We offer sliding scale pricing and flexible payment plans. Our pick-up locations are in Manhattan, Brooklyn and on our farm in Millerton, upstate NY.
We’ve put together all the details and answers to frequently asked questions. When you’re ready, you can go ahead and sign up through our shop on GrownBy, an online marketplace for farmers and consumers.
FOR more INFO, Jump to:
What’s included in your share? | Pick-up locations & times | Pricing & payment options | FAQs
“It felt amazing to support a queer farm and to get delicious food weekly. I loved that my food was harvested with love from people within my community.”