Rock Steady Farm and Catalyst Collaborative Farm are co-hosting our 2024 BLOCK PARTY in collaboration with Farm School NYC! Our three projects are partnering not only because of our long relationship history with each other, but also because of our interest in connecting our expansive communities to farming, land and each other through shared networks and webs of support. 

This gathering is intended for everyone in our urban and rural farm communities to come together to eat, play, enjoy performances and support local vendors & community organizations. We are excited to see you there!

***WEATHER UPDATE: It will be 76 degrees the day of the event, but we are expecting some rain around 2pm. However, we are still ON for Saturday, September 7th from 11am-4pm!***


Rock Steady Farm, Catalyst Collaborative Farm y Farm School NYC están colaborando para presentar nuestra 2024 BLOCK PARTY! Nuestra tres proyectos se están juntando no solo porque de nuestras relaciones largas con el otro, sino también porque nuestro interés en conectar nuestras comunidades a la tierra y un otro entre conexiones compartidas y redes de apoyo.

Este evento es para todos en nuestra comunidad juntarnos para comer, jugar, disfrutar música en vivo, apoyar vendedores locales, y disfrutar de la celebración de relaciones comunitarias. Nos vemos en septiembre! 

***ACTUALIZACIÓN DE TIEMPO: Habrá 76 grados el día del evento, pero esperamos algo de lluvia alrededor de las 2 p.m. Sin embargo, ¡todavía estamos para el sábado 7 de septiembre de 11am - 4pm!***

  • The event will take place at Rock Steady Farm, 41 Kaye Road, in Millerton, NY on Saturday, September 7th from 11am-4pm*

    *Rain date Sunday, September 8th from 11am-4pm. If you cannot attend the rain date, you will be refunded.


    El BLOCK PARTY será en Rock Steady Farm en Millerton, NY el sábado, 7 de septiembre de las 11AM hasta las 4PM*

    *Fecha de lluvia domingo, 8 de septiembre 11AM-4PM.

  • Ticket price* is sliding scale. re-registration is preferred, but we will also be selling tickets at the door. If you are wondering what you should pay, check out this helpful sliding scale link. Please bring extra funds for purchasing items by our vendors.

    *All ticket proceeds go towards supporting queer Black and brown beginning farmers: Rock Steady Farm’s QTPOC farmer training program POLLINATE alumni, and Catalyst Collaborative Farm.



    El precio de la entrada* es variable.  Se prefiere inscripción antes del evento, pero también puedes inscribir en la puerta del evento. Si usted se está preguntando lo que debe pagar, vea esteenlace útil sobre nuestra escala móvil de pago. Por favor, traiga dinero adicional si desea comprar comida y artículos disponible en nuestro mercado artesanal.

    *Todos ingresos de las entradas van a apoyar granjerxs QTPOC: POLLINATE, una programa de formación de agricultores, y Catalyst Collaborative Farm.


  • COVID-19 Safety: Please stay home if you feel sick, suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past week, are recovering from COVID-19 and/or live/share indoor space with someone who currently has COVID-19 in order to minimize spread.

    Please take a rapid test before attending the event. Proof of negative rapid test (taken within 24 hours) will be required to enter the event. We will have rapid tests available, and there will be a rapid testing tent set up next to our registration table to take your test if you do not have access to one before arrival. 

    Masks are optional outdoors, but required in all indoor spaces for this event. Please bring your own mask (ideally N95 masks, we will have a limited amount available). We will have hand sanitizer available throughout the space.

    Setting, terrain & accessibility:

    • The event space will be outdoors on a grassy lawn, so please plan accordingly! Please keep in mind the weather for the day and dress appropriately. We recommend sturdy shoes as farm terrain is uneven, and may be uncomfortable to walk over.

    • We will have two single-stall accessible port-a-potties available for restroom services.

    • There are multiple areas with shade on the land where there will be a rest/destimulation area and bodywork offerings.

    • We do have ticks in some areas on the farm! We encourage you to do a tick check when you get home. Some other preventative measures include: wearing light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, or socks over pants.

    • The farm is not currently wheelchair or mobility aid accessible.

    • Parking will be about a half mile distance from the event space. Folks can be dropped off closer to the event space if needed to support comfortable entry.


    Notas de acceso:

    Seguridad contra el COVID-19: Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo, sospecha que ha estado expuesto al COVID-19 durante la semana pasada, se está recuperando del COVID-19 y/o vive/comparte espacio interior con alguien que actualmente tiene COVID-19 para minimizar la propagación.

    Realice una prueba rápida antes de asistir al evento. Se requerirá prueba de prueba rápida negativa (tomada dentro de 24 horas) para ingresar al evento. Tendremos pruebas rápidas disponibles, y habrá una tienda de prueba rápida establecida junto a nuestra tabla de registro para tomar su prueba si usted no tiene acceso a uno antes de la llegada.

    Las máscaras son opcionales al aire libre, pero obligatorias en todos los espacios interiores para este evento. Traiga su propia mascarilla (idealmente mascarillas N95, tendremos una cantidad limitada disponible). Tendremos desinfectante de manos disponibles.

    Entorno, terreno y accesibilidad:

    • El espacio para eventos estará al aire libre sobre un césped, así que planifique en consecuencia. Tenga en cuenta el clima del día y vístase apropiadamente. Recomendamos calzado resistente ya que el terreno agrícola es irregular y puede resultar incómodo caminar.

    • Tendremos dos orinales portátiles ADA para servicios sanitarios.

    • Existen múltiples zonas de sombra en el terreno donde habrá zona de descanso/destimulación y ofrendas de carrocería.

    • ¡Tenemos garrapatas en algunas áreas de la granja! Le recomendamos que haga una verificación cuando llegue a casa. Algunas otras medidas preventivas incluyen: usar ropa de colores claros, pantalones y mangas largas o calcetines sobre los pantalones.

    • Actualmente, la granja no es accesible para sillas de ruedas ni dispositivos de movilidad.

    • Estacionamiento estará a media milla a pie del evento. Las personas pueden ser dejadas más cerca del espacio del evento si es necesario para permitir una entrada cómoda.

  • We will be featuring performances by:

    11am-1pm: TAMBACUM

    Tambacum, a traditional afro-Colombian music group that is visiting for a U.S. tour.

    Tambacum Golfo de Tribugá is a community process that was born on May 20, 2020 in the municipality of Nuquí, Chocó in the Calle de la Virgen neighborhood. 

    Their presentations as a musical group carry the entire history of cultural and neighborhood experiences through rhythms such as Tamborito and Cumbancha. Their voices, drums and energy make the hearts of those who accompany our presentations beat.

    Preview Tambacum's performances on their Youtube page!

    1:30pm-2:30pm: VEMILO

    Vemilo, a local pop performance artist who’s purpose in life is to break boundaries, stigmas and bring people together through his music, fashion & visuals. Legend has it that if Lady Gaga & Prince had a child, it would be him. Vemilo’s performances are an inclusive dance ministry of self acceptance for any race, pace, culture & creed. He is a home grown Millerton original. Whether in the Watershed kitchen or on a concert stage, Vemilo exudes courage, talent and so much damn charisma.



    • 11:00am-4:00pm (ALL DAY): Fiber Art Play Station by Luca (they/them)

    Offering description:: This will be a fabric play-space for folks to mend, embroider, quilt, whatever they would like to create! We will have scrap fabric, embroidery floss and needles as well as some books with stitching guides. Folks can bring clothes they would like to mend or work with the materials here! I’ll be available for support throughout the day with learning new stitches or techniques.

    About the facilitator: Luca is a farmer and crafter from Maryland. They learned how to sew from their mom and loved making clothes out of scrap fabric and bedsheets. They've continued to learn new skills like embroidery, spinning and knitting by teaching themselves or through the support of others in the crafting community. Luca is continually inspired by how the craft community is so open and eager to share knowledge. They hope to continue in that tradition in their own practice.

    Offering description: Haircuts for all hair types, with a focus on precision short hair styles. Cuts will be $35 for a haircut, $25 for just beard, and $50 for haircut and beard together. Don't forget to tip your stylist, too! Sign-ups are first come, first served.

    About the facilitator: Karen B is a community advocate and full-time Barber Stylist based in West Hartford, CT.

    Offering description:: Taiji is a standing or seated practice that include the elements of breath work, movement, and mind attention. Beginning with Qi Gong with the intention of stretching to feel good and moving what needs to be moved, followed by learning a short portion of the Yang Traditional 108 style long form. The activity can be practiced by anyone with almost with any level of ability. Fully seated or standing is perfect. Kids tend to want to hop in and out which is great as long as they are quiet.

    About the facilitator: Chalene is a black, queer Taiji/QiGong practitioner raised by her beautiful late grandparents in Detroit, MI. She is adamant about bringing the body/mind healing wisdom of Taiji martial art into social justice organizations and change making spaces as a way to help build resilient individuals and organizations. She has been practicing Taiji for a decade, teaching for over five, and has taken her passion in to social justice spaces over the course of the last three years. She is invested in her own self-growth and considers her abilities to be curious, learn, adapt, and change as priorities. Her experience ranges from teaching 1-1 Taiji sessions to leaders of innovative worker justice organizations, to group classes held exclusively for global majority individuals, to teaching at a community garden and composting event, to facilitating the movement portion of week long retreats for worker justice organization cohorts. When not teaching Taiji Chalene is likely on her bicycle headed to a coffee shop, or writing a poem and working up the nerve to share it.

    Offering description:: The Rock Steady Farm community will be welcome to take part in a 2-3 hour natural dyeing and/or botanical print activity. Participants will learn about the historical and spiritual/mythical uses of botanical dyes sourced from tree and plant material like chamomile, oak, and sumac. We will activate the senses of touch, smell, and sight as we observe and interact with the natural materials before they are transformed into a liquid dye bath. A prompt will guide both this activity and discussions/written reflections that will be incorporated into the fabric, made either into a communal quilt or attached to an individual print.

    About the facilitators: Donelle Wedderburn is a Jamaican-American writer and audio producer. Her work sits at the intersection of Black history, oral storytelling, and the built environment. She has contributed to developing and producing a range of broadcasts and audio documentaries for NPR, ABC News, Food Culture Collective, and Heal Food Alliance. In her free time, she loves to write poetry and draw connections between literature and landscape. Black women writers like Jamaica Kincaid, Toni Morrison, and June Jordan moved through the worlds of storytelling, urban planning, and design and showed me it was possible to do the same.

    Nani K.A. is an urban planner, birth doula, and aspiring tailor for whenever their friends' clothes need a little care. Their planning work explores the intersection of planning, organizing, and education. In their free time, they love to cook for friends, ride a bike in a group, try to ride waves on a boogie board, and write poems.

    Offering description: Small flash tattoos! Ink will be sliding scale under $200. Don't forget to tip your artist, too! Sign-ups are first come, first served.

    About the artist: lesser burdock 작은 우엉 is a corean tattooer growing in lenapehoking, so-called brooklyn, who loves drawing lines and shadows mostly from plants, animals, and sometimes other stuff. tattooing to them is about body autonomy & deepening all the connections we choose to deepen & abundant care.

    Offering description:: We will spend our allotted time exploring and experimenting with fire birthing. We’ll talk about different methods and explore their lineages across the globe. Fire birthing methods we might explore are rod and striker, flint and steel, bow drill, hand drill, and various other methods across cultures. folks could work on carving parts of their own bow drill set or make their own ferro rod striker in addition to learning about tinder bundles and other important fire birthing tips.

    About the facilitator: Raei Bridges (they/them) is a neurodivergent creature of the forest. They like to get weird and wild and share that joy with others. Through their work at Black&Wild they co-create spaces that explore and uplift the intersection of authenticity, nature connection, and mindfulness.

    • 2:00pm-4:00pm: Forage Walk by Dre (all pronouns) and Hyunhee (they/she)

    Offering description:: Join Hyunhee and Dre for a plant walk at Rock Steady to get acquainted with the plants and fungi who grow and thrive uncultivated on the land. We'll get to know what they look like, where they like to grow, who they like to be around, and how we might partner with them.

    About the facilitators: Dre & Hyunhee are beloved community of Rock Steady Farm & Catalyst Collaborative Farm and, in having led many forage walks with us before, are in deep relationship with these lands. We are excited for them to join us again.

    Offering description:: Join jei for a hands-on-earth workshop, at Rock Steady Farm's BLOCK PARTY, where you can dive into the craft of making herbal oxymels. Discover the healing properties of Bee Balm, Calendula, and Mint, and learn how to create your own delicious, medicinal blends using simple ingredients like honey and vinegar. Perfect for boosting immunity, soothing digestion, and supporting respiratory health, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make oxymels at home.

    About the facilitator: jei / Janelle is a Black, Afro-Latine artist, healer, and meditation teacher. jei facilitates Earthseed Farmhouse, a restorative housing project based in East Taghkanic focusing on providing short-term housing, skill shares, and building our relationship with nature starting with Indigenous & Caribbean Diaspora folx. For the last 5 years, jei has been learning from and with the land, focusing on herbalism and nutrition.

  • Alexandria Gianakos (she/her) of Liminal Bodywork

    Alexandria's approach is to connect with your body’s inherent wisdom through bodywork. With a clinical lens for abdominal, myofascial, table shiatsu and cupping, she aims to support your natural dynamic state and reduce pain, discomfort, and restriction.

    Alexandria will be offering hands-on work to nourish the nervous system, tune in with earth’s energy, and benefit from the wisdom of the Japanese practice of Shaitsu.

    Sign-ups are first come, first served.

    Xavier Coughlin (he/him) of People's Health Sanctuary

    Xavier works as an emergency room doctor and acupuncturist in Troy, NY. He has been working with People's Health Sanctuary, a communal healing space in Troy and is excited to collaborate with the healing team at the Block Party.

    He will be offering community acupuncture for all interested folks!

    Sign-ups are first come, first served.

  • This gathering is intended for everyone in our urban and rural farm communities to come together to eat, play, enjoy performances and support local vendors & community organizations.

    We anticipate welcoming 200+ guests and engaging 30+ vendors and partners. Our combined projects’ newsletter reach is 3,600 and our social media reach engages 30,000 accounts and 17,000 followers. Sponsoring our event is a fantastic way to not only support a great cause but also gain new interest for your business or project.  

    For more information please look over our sponsorship tiers.

    All donations are tax deductible.

Questions? Email