May Community Workday
10:00 AM10:00

May Community Workday

Join us on the farm for our first workday of the 2025 season! Meet our farm team, connect with the land, and learn more about our farming practices through hands-on activities for all experience levels. Lunch provided!


10AM-10:30AM: Introduction & Welcome

10:30AM-12:00PM: Morning Work-Block

12:00PM-12:30PM: Lunch

12:30PM-1:00PM: Optional Farm Tour

1:00PM-2:45PM: Afternoon Work-Block

2:45PM-3:00PM: Closing

Access Notes:

COVID-19 Safety: Please stay home if you feel sick, suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past week, are recovering from COVID-19 and/or live/share indoor space with someone who currently has COVID-19 in order to minimize spread. 

Please take a rapid test before attending. Proof of negative rapid test will be required to participate (photo or physical test). We will have rapid tests available if you need to test. Masks are optional outdoors, but encouraged in all indoor spaces. Please bring your own mask (ideally N95 masks, we will have a limited amount available). We will have hand sanitizer available throughout the space.

Setting, terrain & accessibility:

  • Please keep in mind the weather for the day and dress appropriately. We recommend sturdy shoes as farm terrain is uneven, and may be uncomfortable to walk over.

  • We have one single-stall accessible port-a-potty and a compost toilet in our office for bathrooms!

  • We do have ticks in some areas on the farm! We encourage you to do a tick check when you get home. Some other preventative measures include: wearing light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, or socks over pants.

  • The farm is not currently wheelchair or mobility aid accessible.

  • Parking will be about a half mile distance from our gathering spot. Folks can be dropped off closer to the event space if needed to support comfortable entry.

For questions, please email

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to Sep 7


Rock Steady Farm and Catalyst Collaborative Farm are co-hosting our 2024 BLOCK PARTY in collaboration with Farm School NYC! Our three projects are partnering not only because of our long relationship history with each other, but also because of our interest in connecting our expansive communities to farming, land and each other through shared networks and webs of support. 

The event will take place at Rock Steady Farm in Millerton, NY on Saturday, September 7th from 11am-4pm*. This gathering is intended for everyone in our urban and rural farm communities to come together to eat, play, enjoy performances and support local vendors & community organizations!

Thank you and we are excited to see you on the farm in September :)

Ticket price* is sliding scale. re-registration is preferred, but we will also be selling tickets at the door. If you are wondering what you should pay, check out this helpful sliding scale link. Please bring extra funds for purchasing items by our vendors.

Questions? Email


Rock Steady Farm, Catalyst Collaborative Farm y Farm School NYC están colaborando para presentar nuestra 2024 BLOCK PARTY! Nuestra tres proyectos se están juntando no solo porque de nuestras relaciones largas con el otro, sino también porque nuestro interés en conectar nuestras comunidades a la tierra y un otro entre conexiones compartidas y redes de apoyo.

El BLOCK PARTY será en Rock Steady Farm en Millerton, NY el sábado, 7 de septiembre de las 11AM hasta las 4PM.* Este evento es para todos en nuestra comunidad juntarnos para comer, jugar, disfrutar música en vivo, apoyar vendedores locales, y disfrutar de la celebración de relaciones comunitarias!

Gracias y nos vemos en septiembre. 

El precio de la entrada* es variable. Se prefiere inscripción antes del evento, pero también puedes inscribir en la puerta del evento. Si usted se está preguntando lo que debe pagar, vea este enlace útil sobre nuestra escala móvil de pago. Por favor, traiga dinero adicional si desea comprar comida y artículos disponible en nuestro mercado artesanal.

Preguntas? Mande un mensaje a

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Bridging the Gap: A Land Access Education Series for Landowners & Land-Back Allies
5:00 PM17:00

Bridging the Gap: A Land Access Education Series for Landowners & Land-Back Allies

Rock Steady Farm, Dutchess Land Conservancy and Columbia Land Conservancy are collaborating to offer our first co-hosted event: Bridging the Gap: A Land Access Education Series for Landowners & Land Back Allies! This series of gatherings aims to educate landowners in Columbia County and Dutchess County about the land access needs of beginning QTPOC (queer, trans people of color) landworkers, and the importance of providing spaces to farm for communities that have been historically marginalized and under-funded within the agricultural system. 

According to the USDA Census from 2022, there were reportedly 29 Black and/or African American, Asian and “other race” farmers present within Dutchess County, and 1,305 white farmers within Dutchess County. In New York state, 1.6% of farmers are people of color, despite representing 48% of the state’s population. Nationwide, less than 1% of farmland is owned by Black farmers (5,323,654 acres out of 878,560,000 acres of total farmland). 

We see this incredible racial disparity as a result of the intentionally harrowing and expensive barriers to land ownership for non-white and queer folks. Because of this, we feel there is a need to educate landowners on how to provide accessible resources to beginning QTPOC farmers. This education is to ensure that there are opportunities available to those that have been prevented from, and are currently being prevented from, attaining land and sustaining their projects.  

Rock Steady Farm has chosen to spearhead this project, as a project dedicated to advocating for the reduction of barriers facing beginner QTBIPOC rural farmers in our area, and because we train hundreds of beginner farmers - many of whom seek to farm on land in this area.

The three parts of this series are as follows:

Part I: Tuesday, March 11th 5pm-6pm, VIRTUAL ON ZOOM Hosted by RSF, CLC & DLC

Part I of this series will be an educational zoom call with landowners of Dutchess and Columbia counties to introduce the host organizations and to discuss issues of land access in our region and why land access and land back work is important right now in our community. We will also encourage folks to join us at our in-person panel. Guest presenter TBD.

Part II: Thursday, March 20th, 5pm-7pm, IN PERSON at the Millerton Moviehouse Hosted by RSF

Part II will be an in-person panel and Q&A, moderated by Maggie Cheney & Ainhoa Woodley from Rock Steady Farm, with QTBIPOC land stewards and advocates, as well as local landowners that have made the decision to give land or create alternative leases. This is an opportunity for folks to share their stories, their lessons learned, what barriers farmers have faced, what resources they need access to, and how landowners and those with resources can support them. After the panel and Q&A, there will be a time for networking and learning more from technical service providers, who will be tabling and in attendance to offer resources. Local policy makers are encouraged to attend this portion of the three part series.

Access notes for this in-person event: Event will be held on the second story of a building, up one flight of stairs. There is elevator access. Please stay home if you are feeling unwell. Masks highly recommended & encouraged. Optional rapid Covid-19 tests at the door.  

Part III: Tuesday, April 1st, 5pm-7pm VIRTUAL ON ZOOM Hosted by DLC & CLC

Part III will be another zoom call for landowners. This zoom call is for action-planning, with brief presentations by local resource organizations and to follow up by offering further support and guidance in providing land access. 

We invite you to register for Part I, Part II, or Part III, but recommend you register for all 3 events to get the most out fo this series! Please find the registration on the Dutchess Land Conservancy Eventbrite Page.

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Livestream Fundraiser
3:00 PM15:00

Livestream Fundraiser

Join us for our first ever livestream fundraiser! This fundraiser will benefit your favorite farm programs like tractor and farmer training, public workshops, and community events!🪻🦋🌻

We will be hosting farmer2farmer conversations, virtual workshops, giveaways, and as always a space for queer and trans joy to launch us into our 10th season. ✨🚜

Stay tuned for a full event schedule!

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COOP 101: Bilingual, In-Person Introduction to Cooperatives // COOP 101: Taller Bilingüe, En Persona Introducción a las Cooperativas
6:00 PM18:00

COOP 101: Bilingual, In-Person Introduction to Cooperatives // COOP 101: Taller Bilingüe, En Persona Introducción a las Cooperativas

  • The Environmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What//Que: COOP 101 w/ Co-op Hudson Valley & Rock Steady Farm // Introducción a las Cooperativas con Co-Op Hudson Valley y Rock Steady Farm
When/Cuando: Monday, December 9th 6pm EST-8:30pm EST // lunes, 9 de diciembre 6pm-8:30pm hora este
Where/Donde: The Environmental Cooperative at Vassar Barns, 50 Vassar Farm Ln, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

***Español Abajo***

Are you excited by the idea of owning a business with others? Are you curious about co-ops? Whether you are new to co-ops or are early in your journey of starting any type of cooperative project, join Rock Steady Farm team members and co-op developers from Co-op Hudson Valley to learn more about how the worker-owned cooperative model works! 

We’ll dig deeper into the worker co-op culture and governance of Rock Steady Farm and one other case study with these topics:

  • Co-op origins, principles, and values

  • Worker-ownership essentials, such as profit sharing

  • Tools and practices for cooperative culture and decision-making

Bring your co-op questions, curiosities, and co-op dreams…in-person! Food will be provided and childcare is available. This in-person workshop will be a bilingual space with English facilitation and Spanish interpretation.

Sliding scale ticket price $0-$50.

Access Notes:

COVID-19 Safety: Please stay home if you feel sick, suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past week, are recovering from COVID-19 and/or live/share indoor space with someone who currently has COVID-19 in order to minimize spread. 

Please take a rapid test before attending. Proof of negative rapid test (taken within 24 hours) will be required to participate. We will have rapid tests available, and there will be rapid testing set up next to our registration table to take your test if you do not have access to one before arrival. 

Masks are required for this indoor event. Please bring your own mask (ideally N95 masks, we will have a limited amount available). We will have hand sanitizer available throughout the space.

Setting & Terrain Notes: please refer to The Environmental Cooperative at Vassar Barns website.

For questions please contact


Estás entusiasmado con la idea de ser propietario de un negocio con otros? Tienes curiosidad por las cooperativas? Ya sea que seas nuevo en las cooperativas o estés al principio de tu viaje de comenzar cualquier tipo de proyecto cooperativo, únete a los miembros del equipo de Rock Steady Farm y desarrolladores cooperativos de Co-op Hudson Valley para aprender más sobre cómo funciona el modelo cooperativo propiedad de los trabajadores!

Profundizaremos en la cultura y la gobernanza de la cooperativa de trabajadores de Rock Steady Farm y otro estudio de caso con estas temas:

  • Los origines de las cooperativas, principios y valores

  • Elementos esenciales de la propiedad de los trabajadores, como la participación en las ganancias

  • Herramientas y prácticas para la cultura cooperativa y la toma de decisiones

Tráete sus preguntas, curiosidades, y sueños cooperativas… en persona! Aperitivos y cuidado de los niños estarán disponibles.
Este taller en persona será un espacio bilingüe con facilitación en Inglés, interpretación en Español.

Boletos de costo variable $0-$50.

Notas de acceso:

Seguridad COVID-19: Por favor quédese en casa si se siente enfermo, sospecha que ha estado expuesto al COVID-19 en la última semana, se está recuperando del COVID-19 y/o vive/comparte espacio interior con alguien que actualmente tiene COVID-19 para minimizar la propagación.

Por favor, tome una prueba rápida antes de asistir. Se requerirá prueba de prueba rápida negativa (tomada dentro de las 24 horas) para participar. Tendremos pruebas rápidas disponibles, y habrá pruebas rápidas configuradas junto a nuestra tabla de registro para tomar su prueba si no tiene acceso a una antes de su llegada.

Las máscaras son necesarias para este evento. Por favor traiga su propia máscara (idealmente N95 máscaras, tendremos una cantidad limitada disponible). Tendremos desinfectante de manos disponible en todo el espacio.

Notas de acceso sobre el sitio: por favor refiere al la
página web de The Environmental Cooperative at Vassar Barns.

Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con

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October Community Workday *sold out*
10:00 AM10:00

October Community Workday *sold out*

Join us on the farm to meet our farm team, connect with the land, and learn more about our farming practices through hands-on activities for all experience levels. Lunch provided!


10AM-10:30AM: Introduction & Welcome

10:30AM-12:00PM: Morning Work-Block

12:00PM-12:30PM: Lunch

12:30PM-1:00PM: Optional Farm Tour

1:00PM-2:45PM: Afternoon Work-Block

2:45PM-3:00PM: Closing

Access Notes:

COVID-19 Safety: Please stay home if you feel sick, suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past week, are recovering from COVID-19 and/or live/share indoor space with someone who currently has COVID-19 in order to minimize spread. 

Please take a rapid test before attending. Proof of negative rapid test (taken within 24 hours) will be required to participate. We will have rapid tests available, and there will be a rapid testing tent set up next to our registration table to take your test if you do not have access to one before arrival. 

Masks are optional outdoors, but required in all indoor spaces for this event. Please bring your own mask (ideally N95 masks, we will have a limited amount available). We will have hand sanitizer available throughout the space.

Setting, terrain & accessibility:

  • We recommend sturdy shoes as farm terrain is uneven, and may be uncomfortable to walk over.

  • We have one single-stall accessible port-a-potty and a compost toilet in our office for bathrooms!

  • We do have ticks in some areas on the farm! We encourage you to do a tick check when you get home. Some other preventative measures include: wearing light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, or socks over pants.

  • The farm is not currently wheelchair or mobility aid accessible.

  • Parking will be about a half mile distance from our gathering spot. Folks can be dropped off closer to the event space if needed to support comfortable entry.

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COOP 101 (Bilingual & Virtual) ***SOLD OUT! Please fill out our waitlist. // AGOTADO! Por favor rellene nuestra lista de espera.***
6:00 PM18:00

COOP 101 (Bilingual & Virtual) ***SOLD OUT! Please fill out our waitlist. // AGOTADO! Por favor rellene nuestra lista de espera.***

Join Co-op Hudson Valley and Rock Steady Farm for an bilingual, introductory workshop about cooperative businesses. This workshop is geared towards folks that are early in their journey of forming a cooperative project, and for people interested to see how the Worker Cooperative model works in an existing farm business.

This workshop will take place on zoom.

Bilingual: facilitation in English with interpretation in Spanish

What we’ll cover:

-What is a co-op? 

-Types of cooperatives

-Co-op Governance & Structure

-Profit Sharing in Co-ops

We will use Rock Steady Farm as a case study to dig deeper into the details of how a Worker Cooperative is governed, how profits can be shared, and how decisions are made. Bring your questions, curiosities and co-op dreams! We will have a sliding scale ticket price for this event, $0-$45.


Saludos amigüis! 

Estaremos presentando este taller bilingüe sobre cooperativas de trabajadores dirigido por Co-op Hudson Valley. Esta sesión tendrá interpretación en inglés y español. Este taller se llevará en Zoom.

Bilingüe: facilitación en Inglés, interpretación en Español

Juntes aprenderemos sobre: 

  • ¿Qué es una cooperativa?

  • Tipos de cooperativas

  • Cómo gobernar una cooperativa 

  • Las ganancias de una cooperativa

Usaremos el ejemplo de Rock Steady Farm para profundizar los detalles de cómo se gobierna una cooperativa de trabajadores, cómo se pueden compartir las ganancias y cómo se toman las decisiones.

Traete tus preguntas, curiosidades y sueños de cooperativas!

Boletos de costo variable $0-$45

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11:00 AM11:00


Rock Steady Farm and Catalyst Collaborative Farm are co-hosting our 2024 BLOCK PARTY in collaboration with Farm School NYC! Our three projects are partnering not only because of our long relationship history with each other, but also because of our interest in connecting our expansive communities to farming, land and each other through shared networks and webs of support. 

The event will take place at Rock Steady Farm in Millerton, NY on Saturday, September 7th from 11am-4pm*. This gathering is intended for everyone in our urban and rural farm communities to come together to eat, play, enjoy performances and support local vendors & community organizations!

Thank you and we are excited to see you on the farm in September :)

*Rain date Sunday, September 8th from 11am-4pm. If you cannot attend the rain date, you will be refunded.

Ticket price* is sliding scale. re-registration is preferred, but we will also be selling tickets at the door. If you are wondering what you should pay, check out this helpful sliding scale link. Please bring extra funds for purchasing items by our vendors.

*All ticket proceeds go towards supporting queer Black and brown beginning farmers: Rock Steady Farm’s QTPOC farmer training program POLLINATE alumni, and Catalyst Collaborative Farm.

For more information (including access notes, vendor information and more), please visit our BLOCK PARTY webpage.

Questions? Email


Rock Steady Farm, Catalyst Collaborative Farm y Farm School NYC están colaborando para presentar nuestra 2024 BLOCK PARTY! Nuestra tres proyectos se están juntando no solo porque de nuestras relaciones largas con el otro, sino también porque nuestro interés en conectar nuestras comunidades a la tierra y un otro entre conexiones compartidas y redes de apoyo.

El BLOCK PARTY será en Rock Steady Farm en Millerton, NY el sábado, 7 de septiembre de las 11AM hasta las 4PM.* Este evento es para todos en nuestra comunidad juntarnos para comer, jugar, disfrutar música en vivo, apoyar vendedores locales, y disfrutar de la celebración de relaciones comunitarias!

Gracias y nos vemos en septiembre. 

*Fecha de lluvia domingo, 8 de septiembre 11AM-4PM.

El precio de la entrada* es variable. Se prefiere inscripción antes del evento, pero también puedes inscribir en la puerta del evento. Si usted se está preguntando lo que debe pagar, vea este enlace útil sobre nuestra escala móvil de pago. Por favor, traiga dinero adicional si desea comprar comida y artículos disponible en nuestro mercado artesanal.

*Todos ingresos de las entradas van a apoyar granjerxs QTPOC: POLLINATE, una programa de formación de agricultores, y Catalyst Collaborative Farm.

Para más información (incluyendo notas de acceso, información sobre los vendedores y más), visite nuestro página web del BLOCK PARTY.

Preguntas? Mande un mensaje a

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August Community Workday (SOLD OUT!)
10:00 AM10:00

August Community Workday (SOLD OUT!)

Join us on the farm to meet our farm team, connect with the land, and learn more about our farming practices through hands-on activities for all experience levels. Lunch provided!


10AM-10:30AM: Introduction & Welcome

10:30AM-12:00PM: Morning Work-Block

12:00PM-12:30PM: Lunch

12:30PM-1:00PM: Optional Farm Tour

1:00PM-2:45PM: Afternoon Work-Block

2:45PM-3:00PM: Closing

Access Notes:

COVID-19 Safety: Please stay home if you feel sick, suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past week, are recovering from COVID-19 and/or live/share indoor space with someone who currently has COVID-19 in order to minimize spread. 

Please take a rapid test before attending. Proof of negative rapid test will be required to participate (photo or physical test). We will have rapid tests available if you need to test. Masks are optional outdoors, but encouraged in all indoor spaces. Please bring your own mask (ideally N95 masks, we will have a limited amount available). We will have hand sanitizer available throughout the space.

Setting, terrain & accessibility:

  • Please keep in mind the weather for the day and dress appropriately. We recommend sturdy shoes as farm terrain is uneven, and may be uncomfortable to walk over.

  • We have one single-stall accessible port-a-potty and a compost toilet in our office for bathrooms!

  • We do have ticks in some areas on the farm! We encourage you to do a tick check when you get home. Some other preventative measures include: wearing light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, or socks over pants.

  • The farm is not currently wheelchair or mobility aid accessible.

  • Parking will be about a half mile distance from our gathering spot. Folks can be dropped off closer to the event space if needed to support comfortable entry.

For questions, please email

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9:00 AM09:00


In this full-day class with Jes Clark of Willow Vale Farm, students will use traditional rib basketry techniques to weave a beautiful and functional leaf-shaped tray out of willow. This is a great introduction to the world of willow weaving and is a fun way to discover the strength and diversity of the willow plant. Strong hands are a must for this class.


9:00-10:00: Introduction

10:00-10:30: Discussion of Weaving & Basket Principles

10:30-12:00: Form Frames, Begin Weaving

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-2:00: Continued Weaving, Refining Technique

2:00-3:30: Finish First Tray, Begin Second

3:30-4:00- Final Questions, Summary

We use sliding scale pricing for all of our events. Please reflect on The Green Bottle resource to assess your contribution to the farm!


For questions, please email

About the facilitator: Jes Clark (they/them) is the farmer and weaver at Willow Vale Farm in Stanfordville, NY. Jes weaves traditional and contemporary functional pieces and the basket forms created are a result of their conversation with each stick of willow. All of their willow is grown without pesticides using regenerative practices and with loving care. Jes has been teaching weaving since 2018 and has taught hundreds of students ranging from absolute beginners to experienced weavers looking to refine their craft. They have taught at the Stowe Basketry Festival, for the Northeast Basketmakers Guild, at the New York Botanical Garden just to name a few, and also privately in one-on-one tutorials. You can discover more of their work at and

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Rock Steady Farm PRIDE Celebration!
11:00 AM11:00

Rock Steady Farm PRIDE Celebration!

Join us for our annual Rock Steady Farm PRIDE Celebration!

We will have activities ranging from working on the farm to workshops including a forage walk, botanical dye crafts, herbal salve-making, and vegetable fermentation.


11:00AM-11:30AM: Welcome

11:30AM-1:00PM: Workshops or Working on the Farm

1:00PM-3:00PM: Lunch, Play, Farm Tour, and Music

3:00PM-4:30PM: Workshops or Working on the Farm

4:30PM-5:00PM: Closing

*In the registration, you have the option to select either working on the farm or a workshop, for both the morning block and afternoon block. We welcome you to join us for the full day, or just the morning or afternoon. Please only choose 2 activities- for example, you can choose the forage walk workshop for the morning, and working on the farm in the afternoon. Please see below for activity details.

Morning Working on the Farm (11:30AM-1:00PM)

Join us on the land for some field maintenance! We will likely be doing a range of activities from weeding to making rock bags.

Afternoon Working on the Farm (3:00PM-4:30PM)

Join us in painting our greenhouse doors!

Morning Workshops (11:30AM-1:00PM):

Botanical Bundle Dyeing with Camille Braswell

Join this workshop to dye cotton bandanas! While also learning about the process, history and different techniques of natural dyeing, including bundle dyeing. Each participant will leave this workshop with their own dyed cotton bandana.

About the facilitator: I have been a crafter all my life. I'm passionate about crafting and making things myself but I'm even more passionate about creating spaces for QTBIPOC people to craft, make, and connect together. I have been crocheting for almost 10 years and I grew up with my mom being a quilter you could say fibers are in my blood. Natural dyeing combines my love of fiber arts and crafting with my deep admiration and respect for plants and their magic. In addition to fiber arts I also love collaging, flower arranging, and making myself bolo ties from silly objects I find. I can't wait to do some crafting with y'all.

Forage Walk with Dre Estrada

Dre will be leading a plant identification walk where we will be meeting edible and medicinal plants that are growing along the edges of Rock Steady Farm focusing on who is particularly abundant in this season. Participants will learn a few methods for nurturing relationships with the plants we meet and be introduced to the ethical harvest. This walk is for anyone looking to start their journey with plants or curious to learn more about them! 

About the facilitator: Dre is a queer and genderfluid land steward, herbalist, and educator. They are a first-generation New Yorker by way of Colombia. Dre seeks to create spaces for people to heal and remember ancestral wisdom through plant walks, medicine making, and learning from the land. They hope to inspire relationships with the earth that are rooted in reciprocity and interdependence, shifting away from the extractive and exploitative legacies of yt supremacy and capitalism.

Afternoon Workshops (3:00PM-4:30PM):

Fermentation with Darich Perez

This fermentation workshop is hands on and a lot of fun. Participants would be learning how to ferment, how to take care of their ferments, and how to be creative in using it. Vegetables provided by Rock Steady Farm!

About the facilitator: Darich has been living in the Hudson Valley for 10 years and is originally from Puerto Rico. For a long time, his passion has been food, from growing it to cooking it. This passion was taught by his grandma, and he is always happy to share it. Darich has been fermenting for 15 years and currently teaches fermentation workshops from Puerto Rico to New York. 

Herbal Salve-Making with Sarah Elisabeth

Come and join this workshop to learn how to make an oil-based comfrey salve! Each participant will take home their own small jar of salve. 

About the facilitator: Sarah Elisabeth is Sage Herbalz, an apothecary, a consultant, an edible landscaper and a teacher. She has taught at Beacon Institute, African Roots Library and Rock Steady Farm’s Pride event.  Her project is Apothecary on Farms - bringing volunteers to farmland, wild foraging and cultivating herbs, producing products and offering them free to the community. 

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Working with Small Engines
5:00 PM17:00

Working with Small Engines

In this training, participants will learn how two stroke and four stroke engines function and their various parts.  Folks will come away with a better understanding of how to prevent common issues with their small engines as well as basic diagnostic knowledge.  This class is ideal for folks who have operated small engines and would like to learn the mechanics of their equipment. Bring your own small engine to learn with, if you have one. 

About the facilitator: Since 2018, SG Groat (they/she/he) has been providing timely, honest and affordable service and repair work and teaching farmers how to operate and maintain equipment around the Hudson Valley.

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RESCHEDULED TO FRIDAY 5/24: May Community Workday
10:00 AM10:00

RESCHEDULED TO FRIDAY 5/24: May Community Workday

Join us on the farm to meet our farm team, connect with the land, and learn more about our farming practices through hands-on activities for all experience levels. Lunch provided!


10AM-10:30AM: Introduction & Welcome

10:30AM-12:00PM: Morning Work-Block

12:00PM-12:30PM: Lunch

12:30PM-1:00PM: Optional Farm Tour

1:00PM-2:45PM: Afternoon Work-Block

2:45PM-3:00PM: Closing

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QT+BIPOC Tractor Training (Registration CLOSED! Please Check Back to Register for our July Tractor Training!))
to May 12

QT+BIPOC Tractor Training (Registration CLOSED! Please Check Back to Register for our July Tractor Training!))

Description: 101 Tractor Training is offered for Queer and Trans (QT) farmers and Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) adults (18+) to learn the basics of tractor safety, identify key parts of a 4 wheel tractor, and experience 90 minutes of guided tractor operation.

We are offering this training as a retreat, led by Rock Steady Farm at the The Watershed Center. The retreat is designed to provide a comfortable, communal space for learning tractor operation and safety, while taking intentional time to rejuvenate ourselves in ways that feel good to each of us. Our goal is to provide instruction, guidance and support to enable participants to feel more confident in operating tractors safely.

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Befriending the Bees: Intro to Beekeeping
2:00 PM14:00

Befriending the Bees: Intro to Beekeeping

SOLD OUT! Please join our waitlist in case a spot becomes available!

Come join facilitators Hana’ Maaiah and Brittany Levers for a basic introduction to beekeeping!

What we will cover:

  • Learn about the anatomy of a hive and honey bee biologies

  • Conduct a practice hive check with live bees in a safe demonstration hive

  • Discover pests and diseases that impact the hive

  • Learn about a brief history of bees from a BIPOC focus

  • Explore needs and resources to actually start beekeeping!

About Hana’:

Peace! My name is Hana’ Maaiah (she/her) and I am a Palestinian-Jordanian farmer, bee keeper, educator, organizer and nature lover. As a nature-nerd, I study environmental science and environmental agriculture, and find purpose in exploring farmings’ intersections of energy, climate, race, politics and spirituality. I believe that regenerative communal food is a way to heal our ecosystems while sharing food, remaining curious, and forming strong alternative communities.

I started hosting bees in an urban farm in Birmingham, AL, where I served as the beekeeper for three years. Their hypnotic communal vibrations quickly embraced me, and I made space for several home hives in my backyard, tending to them for another two years. During my time working professionally and personally as a beekeeper, I learned about how important each members of the hive is, what roles they place, how they shift with the seasons, the way the communicate through hormones and dance, and of course, share their sweet treats! I am honored to offer to the inspiration and knowledge that bees and beekeepers have shared with me in "Befriending Bee's : An introduction to Beekeeping". I hope to pass forward what I have learned to equip a new generation of Earth-minded, BIPOC stewards to befriend and protect our fuzzy kinfolk.

About Brittany:

Brittany (she/they) is a first generation Jamaican-American, Hudson Valley native, second year Beekeeper, Writer and Events Manager weaving a vibrant tapestry of food, flavor, and community.

Brittany began her journey connecting to land in 2020 farming with Red Hook Farms in Brooklyn, Soul Fire Farm, and Rocksteady Farm and has now transitioned into beekeeping at Ayni Farm.

When she’s not working she’s is resting, eating, or traveling or all 3. 

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Fluidity, Love, & Queerness: plants & herbs as our soul companions ((VIRTUAL, WAITLIST ONLY))
6:00 PM18:00

Fluidity, Love, & Queerness: plants & herbs as our soul companions ((VIRTUAL, WAITLIST ONLY))

*Due to the intimate nature of this workshop, the facilitator has requested we keep our class size to 30 participants. Please fill out the waitlist here. We will contact you if a spot becomes available or we decide to offer another additional workshop date for the waitlist. Please email if you have any questions. Thank you!*

See workshop description below:

In this virtual workshop facilitated by Yaquana Williams (she/her), we will explore the depths of queer sensuality and love. Questions like: "what is sensuality?", "how can we explore our fluidity through herbalism?" and "what is Queer herbalism?" will be explored.

This herbalism workshop will explore how building a restorative relationship to plants creates room to explore yourself and your sensuality deeper. We will be exploring herbs as allies to the queer community and how they can be gender affirming by learning to create herbal remedies to build deeper relationships to ourselves and our bodies. This is important especially as we transition through life, and this workshop will have an emphasis on learning to support the endocrine system through herbal creations.

We will also explore hormonal care for trans/non binary people aiming to provide loving support as they transition. We will talk about the queer history of herbal medicine and how it challenges the binary medical industrial complex. 

The workshop is sliding scale, donations $5 and above are encouraged.

About the facilitator: Yaquana is a queer herbalist, lover, dreamer, student of life, and soul magician. She comes from a Black ancestral lineage of West Virginia Mountain kin and Deep Southern Alabama roots. She was born in New Jersey, growing up in Newark and Irvington where she was introduced to her love of urban farming. In her professional work, she is a curriculum designer and educator uplifting gender expansive youth through social justice activism projects. She has been practicing plant medicine for 5 years now (officially) but it has always been in her blood. She was a student under hood herbalism, rooted medicine circle, and the people's medicine school. Her plant medicine practice is inspired by the tradition of Black people throughout the African diaspora to use plants to heal themselves and their communities. She loves to dig her hands into soul and she loves the earth. Her herbalism is also roooted in spirit, derived from ancestral ways of rootwork and conjure in the hoodoo tradition. She plans to open her own spiritual herbalism practice named AquayasAbyss focused on integrating shadow-work with plant medicine and supporting her queer community.

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5:00 PM17:00


Kitty (they/them) is excited to share practical carpentry tips that every beginning farmer should know. Whether its building raised beds, installing hipboards on a high tunnel, or hanging a shelf for storage, this workshop aims to make simple carpentry feel just that- Simple and safe. 

We will answer questions such as: Do I need a hammer or drill for this? What kind of screws should I buy? Where do I get this from?

Throughout this virtual workshop, we will learn basic carpentry terminology, tools, concepts, and safety protocols that make carpentry accessible. We hope this workshop will empower you to apply your new skills into projects relevant to your work in food sovereignty, agriculture, resistance & beyond.

Cost of the workshop is sliding scale, donations $5 and above are encouraged!

About the instructor:

Kitty is a Black Queer educator, farmer and activist growing food in upstate NY for distribution in the Bronx. Born and raised in the Bronx, they grew vegetables with their family at Taqwa Community Farm, a community garden founded by their activist parents and grandfather to provide safety and food to the Highbridge community. They were drawn to working in horticulture, agriculture and education because they deeply value community building through information sharing. They have over a decade of experience as a farmer, and educator and have worked and continue to work with institutions such as The New York Botanical Garden, and Lehman College as an Educator and urban farm consultant. Now, Kitty is the Co-founder and Co-Manager of Iridescent Earth Collective, a Queer, Black & Latinx led farm duo from the Bronx dedicated to increasing the capacity of our communities by growing and distributing food for mutual aid in the Bronx and through information/knowledge exchange with our friends and colleagues in this work.Kittys’ long term goal is the creation of an inclusive agro-ecological and educational space for marginalized farmers like themselves and to steward land in a way that honors their roots and the voices of those around them.

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6:00 PM18:00


Intro to Mending

In this two hour long virtual workshop, we will focus on sewing skills for repairs and minor alterations to clothing. We will cover a few basic stitches (running stitch, backstitch, and ladder stitch) and how to apply them to patching holes, repairing split seams, and hemming. Please bring whatever articles of clothing you have that need repairing.  Sliding scale $0-$25.

Materials needed:




Straight pins (recommended)

Scrap fabric (for practicing on and for patching)

Mending projects

A flat surface with good lighting

More information about buying materials will be in the registration confirmation email.

About the instructor: Luca (they/them) is a farmer at Rock Steady. They learned how to sew from their mom by mending and making their own clothes. Since then, their practice has grown to include a wide variety of fiber arts, including spinning with the local Elmendorph spinners guild. They love sharing the joys of working with fiber with those around them. When they’re not farming or stitching, they’re often baking bread, doing crosswords, or reading. 

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