Regenerative Agriculture

Food access, without climate harm!

It’s all connected. It’s important to understand that when you contribute to our Food Access initiative, you’re not only feeding food insecure community members, but also supporting the sustainable farming practices behind that food.

This is unfortunately rare — the more typical set up is that “food assistance” programs source inexpensive, low-quality, highly processed, chemically treated food. Not only does this have negative impacts on the health of those receiving the food, these products can be traced back to environmentally harmful growing practices like monocropping and the use of herbicides and pesticides.

On the flip side, food that is grown with care for the planet (which requires more labor, time, and investment) is typically available only to those who can afford to pay premium prices.

2021 CSA is open for registration! AND, we’re making Winter Care Packages for members who join now.

The day has come! We just opened up registration for next season’s CSA, and we’re doing something fun this year:

If you sign up by October 15th, or are among the first 50 to join, (whichever comes first) —we are going to send you a sweet Rock Steady care package for the Winter!

How do your food dollars impact the climate crisis?

So here's a big question . . . where are you, in your personal relationship with the climate crisis? I think we've all been confronted with the questions, "What am I doing, to harm or help this situation? Is it enough? What can I do better?"

As farmers, these questions hit very close to home, as we strive to take care of our land, navigate extreme weather, replenish our soil, and make responsible choices from seed to plate.

For you as a consumer, we thought it would be useful to lay out some of the ways we are mitigating climate change, and how you contribute to those efforts when you support us.

What gets us out of bed in the morning.

You probably know by now that Rock Steady is more that just a farm. But what exactly are we up to, how is that different from other farms, and where might you fit into this movement we are building?

Coming up with a short, compelling sound bite about our work has always been a challenge. Food, land, justice, queerness . . . it’s a complicated web of interconnected, systemic problems and solutions. Look, we made an infographic!