2021 CSA is open for registration! AND, we’re making Winter Care Packages for members who join now.

***Update! These first 50 spots went in 3 hours after opening registration! WHOOOSH, we are so grateful. HERB SALTS are STILL available for anyone who signs up by October 15th***

The day has come! We just opened up registration for next season’s CSA, and we’re doing something fun this year:

If you sign up by October 15th, or are among the first 50 to join, (whichever comes first) —we are going to send you a sweet Rock Steady care package for the Winter!

Scenes from the harvest & processing for your care package!

Scenes from the harvest & processing for your care package!



#1: Rock Steady BEANIE HAT ($20 value)

#2: Rock Steady MUG ($15 value)

and our favorite part . . .

#3: Our very own farm-grown, handmade HERB SALT, to enjoy a taste of Rock Steady until the Spring comes. ($10 value + lots of farmer love and care)

That’s about $45 value, woot! More than that, though, we’ve put a lot of love and excitement into these gifts, because it’s our way of thanking those of you who know you want in, and for choosing us as your farmers so far in advance. It means a lot. More on that below . . .

We hope these gifts keep you cozy and nourished this Winter, as we all count down to the bounty of next Spring. They will be delivered the last week in October, at all of our CSA pick-up sites!

Shout out to Farmer Amara (left) for taking the lead on the herb salts!

Shout out to Farmer Amara (left) for taking the lead on the herb salts!


Why sign up so early?

Well, who doesn’t love a care package?? Especially these days.

But beyond the bonuses . . . honestly, early registrations are a game changer for farms like ours.

  • We don’t grow any produce to sell during the Winter months, but we still have a lot of work to do. Early sign ups handle this cash flow puzzle, and enable us to focus on critical off-season projects.

  • Having a sense of our CSA membership now is also crucial in helping us plan ahead and deliver the best possible shares. As farmers, so many things are out of our control (weather, pandemics, climate change, etc). Uncertainty comes with the territory! That said, the security of knowing who we are growing for makes a huge difference in our ability to select our crops, strategize our acreage, plan our finances and so much more.

In addition to supporting us, we think there are lots of benefits for you, too . . .

First, you get to know where your food is coming from next year! We’ve been experiencing a massive increase in demand - this year we sold out weeks before the first share, and have a few hundred folks on the waiting list. While we don’t expect next season’s CSA to sell out immediately, jumping in now is the best way to guarantee your spot.

Also, if you need a payment plan, enrolling early gives you the most flexibility to make small payments over an extended period of time. To secure your spot, you just need to put down a deposit (ideally 20% of your total share, but we’ll always do our best to make it work). From there, you can spread your payments out over the next 6-10 months, however it works best for you.

Note: if you are interested in receiving a Solidarity Share next season (for those who cannot afford the lower income of our sliding scale), click here to learn more and submit a request.

Thank you for reading this far, and for your interest in our CSA!

Feel it out, check out all the details and feel free to reach out with any questions. We’d love to have you!


p.s Obviously, we got pretty into our little photo shoot. Queer farmers in beanies, hooray!