Volunteer Waiver

We’re excited to have you join us as a volunteer. Thank you so much for your support! Prior to arriving, please read and sign the waiver below.

Please read carefully. This is a legal document.

The undersigned individual (hereafter referred to using “I”, “me”, “my”, “myself”, or “Volunteer”) wishes to work as a volunteer of Kaye Ranch LLC, dba Rock Steady Farm (“Rock Steady Farm” or “Organization”), The Watershed Center (Land partner) and Mt. Riga LLC (Land Entity). Volunteer (and Parent/Legal Guardian) understands that volunteering for Rock Steady Farm will include performing physical labor, handling food products, working with various tools and equipment, planting and harvesting crops, weeding or preparing the fields, and any other tasks and activities incidental or related to the work of Rock Steady Farm (the “Volunteer Activities”).

  • I acknowledge that participating in the Volunteer Activities may require the use of tools & equipment and may present demanding physical conditions and/or the presence of hazardous materials. I understand that there are inherent risks and potential hazards involved with the Volunteer Activities (including but not limited to risk of injury and serious bodily harm); and, appreciating these, voluntarily choose to participate and assume all risks of harm, injury, or loss due to my participation, whether caused by the negligence of Rock Steady Farm or otherwise.

  • I understand that I will be trained in proper and hygienic harvesting and packing procedures, and agree to always abide by these procedures when doing these activities on the farm.

  • I give consent and authority to Rock Steady Farm to obtain medical treatment on my behalf if I am injured or require medical attention due to my participation in Volunteer Activities and understand and agree that I am solely responsible for all costs related to such medical treatment, transportation, and evacuation. I fully release, discharge, and hold harmless Rock Steady Farm for any claim whatsoever in connection with such treatment or other medical services.

  • On behalf of myself and my family, guardians, estate, beneficiaries, heirs, successors and assigns, I (and Parent/Legal Guardian of Volunteer if Volunteer is under age 18) hereby release, discharge and forever hold harmless Rock Steady Farm, all of its Subsidiaries, Directors, Officers, Agents, Associates, Representatives, and those acting on behalf of Rock Steady Farm, from any and all claims, suits, demands, causes of action, damages, or liability for any injury, accident, or harm, including death, which is in any way related to my participation in Volunteer Activities, except where such injury, accident, or harm is directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Rock Steady Farm.

I understand that this waiver and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of New York State, and that it shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New York State. I agree that if any portion of this waiver and release is invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect.

I am the Volunteer, or the Parent/Legal Guardian of Volunteer if Volunteer is under age 18. I have read and understood this document. I understand that clicking the Submit button below constitutes a legal signature confirming that I am over 18 years of age (or the Parent/Legal Guardian of the Volunteer) and acknowledge and agree to all of the terms of this Release of Liability and Waiver.