**Note: 2020 impact report & more information about our 2021 initiatives are coming soon! Check back later this Fall, and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates.**

We believe that everyone has the right to high-quality produce.

However, our current food system is set up so that many are shut out of the local food movement, because they can’t afford it.

Our Food Access Fund provides free or subsidized vegetables to low-income community members, including seniors, families with young children, and people living with serious health concerns (HIV/AIDS, diabetes and cancer).

As we collectively face the COVID-19 global pandemic, it is urgent that we prioritize food security and ensure access for the most vulnerable and at-risk members of our community, as well as those who will be hit hardest by the economic impact of the virus.

Your tax-deductible contribution will go directly to growing and distributing healthy produce to those who need it most, especially now.


Note: Donations by check can be made out to our 501(c)3 Fiscal Sponsor: The Watershed Center, memo “Food Access Fund” and mailed to Rock Steady Farm, 41 Kaye Rd, Millerton NY 12546

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There’s no better feeling than being able to feed your family whole nourishing meals.
— Low-income CSA Member


In 2019, Rock Steady provided over 500 low-income people weekly produce through our non-profit partnerships, partially subsidized CSA memberships, and fully subsidized “Solidarity Shares”.

Locally, we partner with the North East Community Center’s Fresh Food Pantry and Ancramdale’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors Association, providing door-to-door delivery for low-income families.

In NYC, we work with Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, offering SNAP/EBT shares as well as fully subsidized (solidarity) shares for low-income patients living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and/or diabetes.


Note: Donations by check can be made out to our 501(c)3 Fiscal Sponsor: The Watershed Center, memo “Food Access Fund” and mailed to Rock Steady Farm, 41 Kaye Rd, Millerton NY 12546

I would like to express my gratitude for your solidarity shares. They make such a difference when otherwise it is so difficult to have access to local fresh produce. You make it seem like the world is not just an unjust place. It means so much for me. Thank you!
— Solidarity Share Recipient

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MANY thanks

We could not do this work without the generous support of individual donors and organizational sponsorship.

This project has been supported by grants from the Northeast Dutchess Fund of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation and the Berkshire Agricultural Ventures Community Matching Fund.

Special gratitude to Rob Horwitz and Cathy Redlich and some of our top sponsors: